Interesting Links on Health Care Reform
- Obama Health Care Address to Congress - Sept 8, 2009
- Summary of Affordable Care Act - Kaiser
- Summary health care reform Obama Care Facts
- Interactive Health Reform Timeline
- Kaiser: Health Reform Hits Main Street
- Kaiser: information on health reform and implementation timeline
- NPR: Accident of History Created US Health Care System
- NYT: History of Health Care Reform in the US
- Newsweek Article: The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate
- New York Times Blog on Health Care Debate
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on health care reform
- Kaiser Family Foundation on health care reform
- Commonwealth Fund on health care reform
Lecture Slides
- Lecture 1: Overview
- Lecture 1: linked documents
- Lecture 2: Overview- rising spending
- Lecture 2 & 3: Micro Review
- Lecture 4 & 5: Impact Evaluation
- Lecture 6: Conditional Cash Transfer Programs - Progresa
- Lecture 7 & 8: Health Production
- Lecture 9: Health Demand
- Lecture 10/11/12: Insurance 1 & 2
- Lecture 10: Documentary - "Breakdown: America's Health Insurance Crisis"
- Lecture 14/15: Equity Efficiency and Need
- Lecture 16/17: Role of Government
- Lecture 18: International Comparisons
- Lecture 19: Health and Development Part 1
- Lecture 20: Health and Development Part 2
- Lecture 21/22: Social Insurance
- Lecture 23/24: Providers: Hospitals
- Lecture 25 & 26: Providers: Pharmaceutical Industry
- Evergreen Drugs: NPR segment "Novartis Ruling Reverberates Past India's Border"
- Lecture 27: Brief US Health Care History
- Lecture 27: Health Care Reform Part 1 - Obama Health Care Address to Congress (see above for link)
- Lecture 27/28: Health Care Reform Part 2 - Health Reform Hits Main Street (see above for link)
- Lecture 28/29: Health Care Reform Part 3
- List of main topic covered