Climate Change/Variability and Armed Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)

     Grant numbers 0964687 and 0964515 from the Environment, Society and Economy (ESE) collaboration initiative

     Grant numbers 1329125 from the Interdisciplinary Behavioral Social Science (IBSS) program

Sub-Saharan Africa PNAS Paper Replication Material


This page contains the replication data and analysis script files for the PNAS paper:

O’Loughlin, J., A. Linke, and F. Witmer (2014). "The effects of temperature and precipitation variability on the risk of violence in sub-Saharan Africa, 1980-2012" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(47):16712-16717.

     Paper available online.



PNAS_SSA_ReplicationNotes.txt contains metadata for the zip files below.



The replication data file is a compressed R file. To read this file and replicate our analysis, you'll need to install the R software, requisite libraries for R, and modify the scripts to reference the correct directories. (~25 MB)



July 2018 update: For those interested in the raw point data (non-gridded) for the pre-ACLED period, 1980-1996, we have made the zipped .csv file available for download below. These data are coded in the ACLED style but are not maintained or included with their dataset. A word of caution: there are fewer events preceding 1997 due to the introduction of electronic data sources about that time. So if you are using this earlier dataset, be sure to control for this reporting bias by using another (non-conflict) data source.

Please cite our 2014 publication above if you use these data. (~1 MB)