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IBS Associations

Center for the Governance of Natural Resources

Research Interests

Environmental Sciences, Indigenous Science, Ecology of Territories, Indigenous Women’s Movements, Sustainability Indicators, Rights of Nature

Brief Biography

Mother of Rhara, Cainã and Kauai; Leadership of the Borum-Kren people (Botocudos do Uaimií – indigenous people of the Vale dos Inconfidentes in the Cordilheira do Espinhaço/ MG).

Aerial Arts dancer, teacher and founder of Espaço Flores Astrais – Accommodation, Arts and Body Experiences, botanical perfumer, speaker, researcher and writer.

Professional Education Teacher at CETEP-LS/ Quilombola – Maraú/BA.

Fellow scientist at the EOF Academy and the Serrapilheira Institute of Ecology.

Vice-President of the Borum-Kren Indigenous Community Cultural Association; Founding Member and member of the Wayrakuna/UFOP Research Group and the Wayrakuna Plurinational Movement – artistic and philosophical Cosmological Network, which is linked to the reflection and expression of resistance by indigenous women in Brazil and Latin America; Composes Mulherio das Letras Indígenas.

Member of the Latin American Network and the Brazilian Articulation for the Economy of Francisco and Clara.

Author of the books: Better Children for the World: for a cradle environmental education and; Women and People Towards Good Living: towards a community ecofeminism.

Degree in Tourism (PUC/MG, Specialization in Environmental Education and Sustainability (FMBH); Master’s and Doctorate in Development and Environment (UESC/BA).

Socio-environmental activist and indigenous causes; Experience in the area of Tourism, with an emphasis on Community-Based Planning and Tourism, in management of socio-environmental and cultural projects, in social movements, working mainly in the struggles of indigenous women, territories, sustainability indicators and Good Living.