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Liam Downey Receives Outstanding Publication Award

Liam Downey received the Environment and Technology Section’s Allan Schnaiberg Outstanding Publication Award at the ASA annual meeting in Seattle August 20-23rd for his book Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment. Senior environmental sociology colleagues Liam talked with at the meetings described Liam’s book as making a critically important contribution to environmental sociology, as providing a great service to the field, and as moving the field forward in new and exciting ways.

Lori Hunter Keynote Speaker at Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

Lori Hunter was an invited keynote speaker at a workshop on “Science needs in the context of tough choices in implementing the UN’s new SDG framework,” organized by Future Earth Germany and held in Villa Vigoni at Lake Como, Italy, April 18-21, 2016.  Lori spoke on “The implications of migration for implementation of the SDGs. Lori and colleagues' Sustainable Development Goals are discussed in a DKN article.

Lori Hunter’s Class Examines the Sociology of Yoga

Lori M. Hunter, professor of sociology at the University of Colorado Boulder, has spent a semester prompting students to grapple with such questions as "What is colonization, and what does it mean to “decolonize” something?", "Beyond taking land, what other aspects of a culture can be colonized?", and "What does this have to do with yoga?." Her course is called “Yoga, Culture & Society,” an upper-division class designed to hone students’ critical-thinking-skills, and is discussed in depth in an article in Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine.  This article generated so much interest that Lori is also featured in the Coloradoan ~ "A Yogi in the Classroom".

Krister Andersson Book Published

Krister Andersson, along with co-authors Pamela Matson and William C. Clark, has a new book just published: "Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice", Princeton University Press, March 2016.

Described as "A primer for students and practitioners who are seeking a more systematic and comprehensive platform on which to base their pursuits of sustainability", the book explores frameworks and approaches for understanding, analyzing, and effectively engaging in sustainability challenges, addressing the question of how to achieve sustainability, presenting that the ultimate determinants of intergenerational well-being should be thought of as the stocks of assets on which people now draw and will draw in the future to subsist and improve their lives – stocks that include natural, social, manufactured, human, and knowledge capital.

Natural Hazards Center Announces New Website

The Natural Hazards Center is happy to announce a brand new Web site designed to better display all the great content we collect and create on a regular basis—and that includes when you visit on your phone or tablet!  Among the changes, you’ll find brand new online layouts for the Observer and DR that highlight the visual aspects of the publications and let you easily share the articles you love. We also have more on our current research projects, library book reviews, and other Center activities.  New advanced search features are on the way and we’re busily creating databases of resources, so you’ll be able to find what you need simply by typing a word or two.

CUPC Pilot Research Grants Awarded

A central aim of the CU Population Center is to provide early support for innovative, collaborative projects with the potential to substantially advance understanding in one of CUPC’s central research themes: migration and population distribution, health and mortality, and/or environmental demography. This year, four outstanding projects were supported – combined, they represent a variety of disciplinary perspectives and will make important contributions to science and human well-being. The recipients include:

  • Jill Litt, Environmental Studies, "A Pilot RCT of Gardening as an Intervention to Reduce Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease"
  • Robin Bernstein, Anthropology, "Milk: Nutrition and Health Shaped by Cultural Practices and the Environment"
  • Stef Mollborn, Sociology, "Technology Use and Health Lifestyles in Children and Youth"
  • Stefan Leyk, Geography, "Evaluating Fine-Resolution Spatial Settlement Layers for New Forms of Data-Intensive Demographic Research Under Uncertainty"