Moscow Maps
These maps appeared in the article by John O'Loughlin, Vladimir Kolossov and Olga Vendina, "The electoral geographies of a polarizing city: Moscow, 1993-1996," Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 38 (1997), 567-601. A related earlier paper is John O'Loughlin, Michael Shin and Paul Talbot, "Political geographies and political cleavages in the 1993 and 1995 Russian parliamentary elections," Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 37 (1996), 355-385.
Currently, with colleagues Jim Bell (IBS), Vladimir Kolossov, Yelena Shomina and Olga Vendina of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I am investigating the nature of civic engagement in Moscow. A large survey of 28,000 Moscow residents will be completed in Spring 2000. This research, titled "Can Democracy Be Sustained? Civic Engagement, Social Capital and the Future of Democratic Governance in Moscow" is funded by the Geography and Spatial Science program of the National Science Foundation.
- Housing Conditions in Sretenka (a district in Central Moscow)
- Houses under renovation in Sretenka (a district in central Moscow)
- Rayoni (districts) Boundaries in Moscow and Vote for National-Patriotic parties in the 1993 Duma elections
- Vote for Russia's Choice 1993 and the Right-wing Parties in 1995
- Vote for Centrist parties in 1995 and all Opposition parties in 1996
- Socio-economic polarization in Moscow: 18 maps in GIF and EPS format