Allison Atteberry Evaluates Denver Public Schools’ ProComp System

Allison Atteberry, a Fellow at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences and Assistant Professor in the Research and Evaluation Methodology (REM) program within the School of Education at CU Boulder, has recently been recognized for her work evaluating Denver’s ProComp system. ProComp is intended to be a “pay-for-performance compensation system” for Denver’s public-school teachers. However, disagreements over ProComp led to teachers participating in a three-day strike in mid-February. As Atteberry points out, “There’s…. economics-based theories about why this [ProComp] should help, and then there’s the reality.” Unclear communication from Denver’s school districts about the bonus amount a teacher will receive and what counts as an incentive for a bonus have led to disagreements between the district and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), and what Atteberry describes as the two “not really meshing”. Read more about the walk-out and Atteberry’s interview with 9News here.  Other news sites that have picked up the story include MSN, Reuters, and US News.


Article summary written by Sierra Gonzalez-Speegle, CU Boulder Sophomore, Strategic Communications major