Health Throughout the Course of Life

Researchers in the Health and Society Program examine the social, economic, psychological, and behavioral aspects of health across the course of life.

The Health and Society Program (H&S) is an interdisciplinary group of faculty who investigate the social, economic, behavioral, and biological determinants of health. The program is comprised of researchers from Anthropology, Economics, Information Management, Geography, Psychology, Integrative Physiology, and Sociology.
The work of our program emphasizes three distinct themes: Health and Heath Behaviors; Social and Health Policy; and Biosocial Interactions.

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Program Highlight

Jason Boardman, former director of the Health and Society Program, received the Clifford C. Clogg Award for Mid-Career Achievement through the Population Association of America. This biennial award honors outstanding innovative scholarly achievements of population professionals who have attained their highest professional degree within the previous 10-20 years.