Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology
Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology
The Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology is a hub for research that brings the archaeological record to bear on contemporary issues in the environment and society.
The archaeological record is the most extensive compendium of human experience available, and in recent decades documentation of this record has expanded exponentially. Archaeology thus has an opportunity to shape a fundamental science of human society that transcends the past and present and helps chart a course toward a more secure and just future. The CCSA is striving to make this vision a reality by funding and administering inclusive and interdisciplinary collaborative research, by archaeologists and other social and natural scientists, on issues that are faced in every society. We also work to promote collaborative synthesis in archaeology, and its results, to the archaeological community, other social scientists, and policy makers.

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CCSA works in partnership with the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis to foster synthesis in archaeology to expand knowledge and benefit society. The Coalition, which consists of more than 45 institutional partners and 300 individual associates from across the globe, helps define topics and shape collaborative research initiatives that CCSA administers, leads, and communicates to scientific and public audiences. A memorandum of understanding between the two organizations orients our collective efforts. Researchers who are interested in getting involved with collaborative synthesis are invited to join the Coalition.

Environment and Society Program
Researchers in the Environment and Society Program study the relationship between social and natural systems around the world. Climate change vulnerability, resilience to earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, and floods, and the management of natural resources are critical challenges that the world faces in the 21st century. These challenges span the globe, driving program research in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Eastern and Southern Africa, Asia, and the United States. The work of the program has a broad impact beyond academic circles, influencing policymakers and practitioners, as well as the general public.
The Center is part of the Environment and Society Program.