Center for the Study
and Prevention of Violence
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice
At the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV), an interdisciplinary group of faculty and staff (e.g., Sociology, Public Health, Psychology, Education, Criminal Justice) partner with schools, communities and agencies to strategically integrate the best available prevention research into practice. CSPV applies three common approaches to further our academic-community partnerships and build the research base for effective violence prevention efforts. First, we use the best available evidence from rigorous research on programs, practices, and policies that prevent violence and promote healthy youth development. Second, we build prevention infrastructure by partnering with schools, communities, and agencies to use a comprehensive approach and implementation science best practices. Third, we use rigorous research methods to ensure our projects achieve meaningful impact and advance real-world policy in areas of great need in prevention science.

Thanks to your support, the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence continues to be recognized as one of the leaders in violence prevention in the United States and internationally.
Center Highlight
CSPV prevents violence and other problem behaviors by partnering with schools, communities and agencies to strategically integrate the best available research into practice. Through these efforts, we have worked in over 900 schools and communities, potentially reaching 1.2 million youth in Colorado and nationwide.

Prevention Science Program
Founded in 1968, the Prevention Science Program (formerly Problem Behavior and Positive Youth Development) is an interdisciplinary effort seeking to understand the nature, course of development, and later life consequences of behaviors that put young people’s and adults’ health and development at risk as well as those that promote positive life course development. We focus on the translation of science to action. Not only do we do basic research, but we also design and test interventions and work actively with communities to make a difference in the lives of children and their families.
CSPV is part of the Prevention Science Program.