“Young, Black, and (Still) In the Red…” Accepted for Publication

Dan Simon, a Sociology graduate student affiliated with the CU Population Center, is co-author on this article recently accepted for publication. 

Houle, Jason N., Fenaba Addo, and Daniel H. Simon. “Young, Black, and (Still) In the Red: Parental Wealth, Race, and Student Loan Debt.” Forthcoming, Race and Social Problems

jimi adams Authors Several New Publications

  • jimi adams and Ryan Light. 2015. “Scientific Consensus, the Law and Same-Sex Parenting.” Social Science Research 53: 300-310. 
  • jimi adams. 2015. “Using Lord of the Flies to Teach Social Networks.” Journal of Social Structure 16(8).
  • jimi adams. 2015. “AIDS in Africa.” Contemporary Sociology 44(5):591-603. 
  • jimi adams. 2015. “Glee’s McKinley High: Following Middle America's Sexual Taboos.” Network Science 3(2): 293-295.

Amanda Barrientez Receives Graduate Student Award

Amanda Barrientez (SOCY DEPT) has received a $1,000 graduate student award from the Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences (CARTSS) to fund her dissertation research investigating the traumatic life histories of men who were previously involved gang members and are currently incarcerated.

Amanda Barrientez and David Pyrooz Serve on Gang Reduction Panel

 Amanda Barrientez and David Pyrooz took part in an panel hosted by the Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver (GRID), a network of federal, state, and local governmental agencies, local businesses, schools, and community-based, grassroots, and faith-based organizations that has been in operation since 2010. GRID is a comprehensive model organized around prevention, intervention, suppression, and community mobilization. The panel involved academics from local universities and practitioners, including judges, corrections agencies, directors of juvenile and adult parole and probation, and city leaders. The panel was brought together to enhance academic-practitioner relationships and to gather knowledge on the current state of research related to gang dynamics.

Independent Report on 2013 School Shooting Identifies Lessons Learned

CSPV's independent fact-finding report examining the events and circumstances leading to the 2013 fatal shooting at Arapahoe High School and offering recommendations for improvements in school safety is featured and discussed extensively in a CU Boulder News Center article.  This report is an important work, deserving of much recognition and attention.  The report is discussed in detail on the CSPV's Blueprints website, where you can also find a link to the report itself, along with supporting documents.

Strategic Planning for IBS

IBS is undergoing a Strategic Planning process designed to craft a vision for the future and pathways to achieve that vision.  Over the next few month, the Strategic Planning Task Force will convene IBS faculty, staff, and students, as well as well as external constituents, to discuss topics important to the Institute’s future. The Task Force will synthesize the information gathered and generate a draft set of plans for public discussion by the end of spring semester, 2016.  The Strategic Planning process is being facilitated by Elaine Kuttner of Cambridge Concord Associates (www.cambridgeconcord.com),  who is an expert at working with organizations such as IBS.  We look forward to receiving input – please write Myron Gutmann, IBS Director, with any questions (Myron.Gutmann@colorado.edu).