CSPV and YVPC-Denver featured in recent news on new Power of One app

The Denver Game Changers, apart of the Youth Advisory Council for the Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver, seen here at the Denver capitol at the proclamation of their new app.

The Power of One mobile app, inspired by the Safe2Tell program, aims to address further youth safety concerns. From housing security to food access, the app is coined as being created “by us, for us” and involved the Youth Advisory Council from the Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver (YVPC-Denver), an outgrowth of the Center for the Study and Prevention (CSPV) at IBS. CSPV and the YVPC-Denver were recently featured on several news outlets discussing the new app and how it will impact Denver youth.

For National Suicide Prevention Month, the YVPC team sat down with 9News’ Shay J to discuss breaking the mental health stigma in communities of color.

Ann Schimke of Chalkbeat Colorado writes about YVPC’s new app to cut youth violence in northeast Denver.

Elizabeth Hernandez of the Denver Post shares about the Power of One app and its inspiration, Safe2Tell.

Susan Payne, founder of Safe2Tell and CSPV Affiliate, speaks about the importance of taking every threat of violence seriously with 11News’ Melissa Henry.

Jenny Brunden of Colorado Public Radio News shares about the new Power of One app.

9News chatted with Beverly Kingston on the new Power of One app.

Spencer Kristensen for FOX31 Denver introduces the Power of One app.