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Title: Addressing Microaggressions

Abstract: Microaggressions are everyday interactions that signal someone is being seen through the lens of a stereotype. While they are often subtle and brief, the cumulative impact is not. This interactive session provides skills for effectively addressing and repairing the harm of microaggressions.

Bio: Teresa Wroe is currently the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Education and Prevention and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) at CU Boulder. She works on issues of health and social equity, with a focus on preventing violence and harassment and building strategies for reducing harmful behavior in the educational, social, and workplace environment. Starting in 2009, Wroe co-developed a bystander intervention skills program that has been a foundational part of antiviolence and antidiscrimination education for all CU community members. Wroe and her team have been assessing their programs and administering other small and large-scale surveys to understand the effectiveness of various strategies and interventions to help direct prevention and inclusion efforts at the university.

Prior to coming to CU, Teresa worked for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as a prevention specialist in the injury, suicide, and violence prevention unit and as a statewide prevention coordinator for the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault in Denver. She has worked in violence prevention and antioppression education since 1994 and holds degrees in sociology and women and gender studies.

Join in person or via Zoomemail ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.
*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP.