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IBS Speaker Series: Meg Shannon

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Peacekeeping Complexity and Contributions to United Nations Missions Abstract: United Nations peacekeeping is an important instrument for maintaining international peace, but the mandates that peacekeeping operations (PKOs) are expected to implement have become increasingly complex as a result of UN Security Council ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Katherine LeMasters

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Recording: Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Epidemiology of Health Equity for Those Impacted by Mass Incarceration Abstract: Mass incarceration is a system of social and racial control in the United States that arrests, convicts, incarcerates, and supervises racial and ethnic minority populations through probation and parole. Mass ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: IBS Flash Talks

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Recording: Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Jaroslav Tir (PID): Does Terror Threat Alone Engender the Rally Around the Flag Effect? Amir Behzadan (E&S): Humans, Disasters, and the Thing Called Artificial Intelligence! Tania Barham (H&S): Improving the Early Childhood Environment: Long-term and Intergenerational Effects on Human Capital and ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Malini Rama Ranganathan

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Long Climate Crisis: Global Political Ecologies of Caste, Race, and Migration Abstract: This talk argues that to bolster our understanding of the long climate crisis, we turn to the interplay of caste and race, labor migration, and ecological and economic extraction ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Srinivas “Chinnu” Parinandi

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Legislative Capacity and Regulatory Compliance: Evidence from the Opioid Epidemic (paper joint with David Fortunato, University of California at San Diego) Abstract: We argue that endowing legislatures with greater resources for policy design and oversight can improve regulatory compliance. The argument is ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Chloe East

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Safety Net and Job Loss: How Much Insurance Do Public Programs Provide? Abstract: An extensive literature documents large and persistent declines in earnings following job loss. We comprehensively study the role of the public safety net in mitigating lost income from ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Merlin Chowkwanyun

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: When All Health Politics Was Local Abstract: This talk argues that one cannot understand the origins of health problems -- and the success of solutions to address them -- without analyzing the local context that surrounds them. We'll examine battles over pollution caused by industrial giants, coal ... Read more

IBS/Environment and Society Program Climate Justice Series: Marccus D. Hendricks

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Murky Waters and Environmental Risks: A Community-Driven Approach to Evaluate Exposures from Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Basement Backups Abstract: Past studies in public health have demonstrated an association between disease and poor sanitation, such as waterborne illnesses and exposure to sewage-laden waters. ... Read more

IBS/Environment and Society Program Speaker Series: Sabina Ribeiro

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve (CMER), A Pocket of Hope in Facing Increasing threats in the Brazilian Amazon Abstract: Extractive Reserves (Resex) are a sustainable use conservation unit in which the maintenance of social, cultural and economic aspects of traditional peoples are ... Read more

IBS/CU Population Center Speaker Series: James Raymer

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Modelling migration to understand demographic change Abstract: Flows of international migration are needed around the world to understand the patterns and corresponding effects on demographic, social and economic change across sending and receiving countries. A major challenge to this understanding is that ... Read more

IBS/Program on International Development Speaker Series: Calla Hummel

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Do Remittances Increase Support for LGBTQ+ Rights? Abstract: People who have migrated to new countries send billions of dollars in remittances to family members each year. Research shows that receiving remittances influences the recipient’s voting, political engagement, and beliefs. Our project asks: ... Read more

IBS/Prevention Science Program Speaker Series: Nadine Finigan-Carr

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Syndemic of Injustice Impacting Black Youth Abstract: Sex trafficking of children and youth is receiving significant attention from practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Recognition that sex trafficking constitutes a form of child abuse has increased; however, there is still a need for ... Read more

IBS/Program on International Development Speaker Series: Alex Siegel

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Co-optation and Coercion of Online Influencers: Evidence from Saudi Wikipedia  Abstract: How do authoritarian regimes use co-optation and coercion of influential internet users to control online information?  This paper explores how the Saudi regime co-opted prominent Wikipedia administrators to alter content on sensitive domestic and foreign political topics. ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Amy Javernick-Will

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Enhancing the sustainability and resiliency of infrastructure: Collaboratively strengthening systems Abstract: Dr. Javernick-Will’s research group, Global Projects and Organizations, studies pathways to sustainable and resilient communities and infrastructure systems, often in resource-limited and multi-hazard contexts. Dr. Javernick-Will’s work takes a systems perspective ... Read more

PSP Guest Talk: Dr. Brittany Cooper

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Title: Promoting a Healthy and Equitable Society through Research-Policy-Practice Partnerships:  New Horizons in Prevention Science. Abstract: As President of the national Society for Prevention Research, Dr. Cooper will speak to the current state of the prevention science field and her predictions for the field over the next decade. Bio: Dr. Brittany Cooper's program of research ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Regina Bateson

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Title: Human Rights or Criminals' Rights? How Crime Undermines Support for Human Rights in Central America Abstract: Amidst iron-fisted policing, state repression, and political violence, human rights advocacy remains critically important in Central America. Yet human rights are a contested concept in the region. Across multiple years of ethnographic research in Guatemala, we have often ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Teresa Wroe

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO Title: Addressing Microaggressions Abstract: Microaggressions are everyday interactions that signal someone is being seen through the lens of a stereotype. While they are often subtle and brief, the cumulative impact is not. This interactive session provides skills for effectively addressing and repairing the harm of microaggressions. Bio: Teresa Wroe is currently the Assistant Vice ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: IBS Flash Talks

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Robert Wyrod (PID): Global China & Africa Scott Ortman (E&S): What the archaeological record reveals about inequality Sharon DeWitte (H&S): Migrant health in medieval London Karl Hill (PSP): Addressing suicide prevention through upstream universal childhood intervention Lori Hunter, Tania Barham, Elizabeth Montoya (POP): Migration, ... Read more

IBS/Center for the Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology Speaker Series: Luis Bettencourt

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Link to recording: Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Urban science and its implications: from large societal transformations to changes in behavior and cognition Abstract: Cities are some of the most spectacular and pervasive manifestation of our human capacity for ultrasociality. New evidence throughout history and from ... Read more