14th Annual IGSS Conference
Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2023 Keynote Speaker: Emily R. Klancher Merchant
Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2023 Keynote Speaker: Emily R. Klancher Merchant
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Evidence-Based Behavioral Programs for Youth – What are they? Are they inclusive of diverse populations? Do they build a more equitable future for all youth, families and communities? Abstract: Evidence-based programs (EBPs) for youth are structured preventive interventions that have been developed ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Jani Little, Rocky Mountain Research Data Center- “The Rocky Mountain RDC and Expanding Opportunities with Restricted Data” Brian Cadena, Economics, University of Colorado Boulder - “US-Mexico Migration Networks: New Data and New Questions” Ryan Masters, Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder - “Understanding Recent ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: When we can’t say Climate Justice: the importance of the messenger and the context in the energy transition Abstract: Suzanne Tegen will talk about her work with rural coal communities and how building trust can take more time and more listening than ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Seeing Human Rights: Video Activism as a Proxy Profession Abstract: As video becomes an important tool to expose injustice, I discuss how human rights organizations seek to professionalize video activism through video production, verification standards, and training. The result, I argue, is a ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Indirect Consequences of Mortality Crises Abstract: The immediate, direct effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality are felt worldwide. Yetthis is not the only mortality crisis the world has witnessed in recent decades. In the US, theopioid epidemic, increased automobile deaths ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Exploring The Effects Of Social Capital And Migration On Agricultural Practices Among Farmers In Sri Lanka And Bangladesh (and a small sampling of other projects) Abstract: Agriculture is a small but key economic sector globally, providing food security and livelihoods for millions, ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP Join a panel discussion hosted by Amanda Carrico, Katie Clifford, Jasmin Barco, Emily Yeh, and James Rattling Leaf of CU Boulder.
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Peacekeeping Complexity and Contributions to United Nations Missions Abstract: United Nations peacekeeping is an important instrument for maintaining international peace, but the mandates that peacekeeping operations (PKOs) are expected to implement have become increasingly complex as a result of UN Security Council ... Read more
Recording: Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Epidemiology of Health Equity for Those Impacted by Mass Incarceration Abstract: Mass incarceration is a system of social and racial control in the United States that arrests, convicts, incarcerates, and supervises racial and ethnic minority populations through probation and parole. Mass ... Read more
Recording: https://youtu.be/WGnKAlGI1B4 Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Jaroslav Tir (PID): Does Terror Threat Alone Engender the Rally Around the Flag Effect? Amir Behzadan (E&S): Humans, Disasters, and the Thing Called Artificial Intelligence! Tania Barham (H&S): Improving the Early Childhood Environment: Long-term and Intergenerational Effects on Human Capital and ... Read more
Join in person or via Zoom, email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for the password.*Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Long Climate Crisis: Global Political Ecologies of Caste, Race, and Migration Abstract: This talk argues that to bolster our understanding of the long climate crisis, we turn to the interplay of caste and race, labor migration, and ecological and economic extraction ... Read more