IBS Research Development Awards

IBS and CU Population Center (CUPC) are excited to announce the winning proposals for Research Development Awards/Seed Grants. We had a total of 9 applications between the two funding calls and were able to fund almost $79,000 in awards using IBS, CUPC, and Program funds. 

The IBS Research Development Awards were open to all CU faculty and research staff (with preference given to IBS Fellows and staff), and particularly welcomed proposals that advanced equity, diversity, and inclusion themes in substance, methods, and personnel. The CUPC Seed Grants sought proposals that highlighted health behaviors and disparities, reproductive health, gene-environment, environmental demography, and migration as well as work within the Rocky Mountain Research Data Center (RMRDC) or in collaboration with CU’s Earth Lab.

IBS and CUPC would like to acknowledge that several additional IBS Programs contributed finances to allow us to fund more of the awards than we had initially been able to budget for. Thank you to the Environment and Society Program, the Prevention Science Program, and the Program on International Development for your contributions.

The funded proposals were:

  • Alexandra Siegel – “Can Online Exposure to Outgroups Improve Intergroup Attitudes and Behavior? Experimental Evidence from Israel.”
  • Kyle Thomas – “Assessing the ‘Great Crime Decline’ using intergenerational data.”
  • Ryan Masters – “Life Expectancy Trends among the U.S. States and Peer Countries, 1990-2020:
    Estimating the Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic on Widening Differences.”
  • Beverly Kingston – “Designing and Evaluating a Multicomponent Intervention to Heal Trauma, Prevent Violence, and Promote Resiliency and Wellness in Under-resourced Communities of Color.”
  • Courtney Welton-Mitchell – “Mental Health and Psychosocial support-integrated Climate Change Adaptation for Subsistence Farming Communities in Mizoram, India.”