Jillian Turanovic, Emma Fridel awarded $1 million to lead study on red flag laws

Assistant Professor of Criminology at Florida State University, Emma Fridel, and Associate Professor of Sociology at CU Boulder and IBS Faculty Fellow, Jillian Turanovic, will lead a study to provide a “clear and sweeping look” at the effects of red flag laws. Red Flag Laws or RPOs, allow law enforcement agencies to file for the temporary removal of firearms from those who may be a danger to others or themselves. Currently, 19 states including Florida have RPOs, though little research has been done on their effects. The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice awarded $700,000 to the study, focusing on interpersonal violence. The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research provided an additional $360,000 to expand the study’s scope to include effects on suicide. Learn more about the study from Florida State University’s College of Criminology & Criminal Justice News.