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Suicide Methods Linked to Drugs

“The postmortem presence of opiates was associated with a 92 percent increase in the odds of suicide by firearm relative to the odds of suicide by hanging,” says study co-author Jason Boardman, director of the Health and Society Program at the Institute of Behavioral Science, and a professor in the Department of Sociology.

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John O’Loughlin Recieves Award from Russian Geographical Society

John O'Loughlin was presented the highest research award of the Russian Geographical Society. The award was presented to Johno by Minister of Defense Shoigu, president of the Society. Below is a link to a youtube of the presentation.

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New Research and Trends in Capital Punishment

A lot has changed in the 35 years since Dr. Michael Radelet, an IBS researcher and sociology professor at CU-Boulder, started studying the death penalty. For starters, 80 percent of Americans supported the death penalty in 1980, he said. Today, polling has shown that more than half of Americans favor life in prison without parole over capital punishment.

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Wildfire Risk and Homeowner Perceptions of Hazards

James Meldrum's research findings from a multi-agency study of homeowners' perceptions of risks concerning wildfire hazards and hazard mitigation techniques have gotten great media coverage in the Daily Camera, 7 News, Fox 31, and the Durango Herald. Read the 7-News Denver story here.

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