IBS Associations

Environment and Society Program

Natural Hazards Center

Brief Biography

Amir Behzadan is a fellow in the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS), and is affiliated with the Natural Hazards Center. His academic home is in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering. Prior to joining the University of Colorado Boulder, he was a professor at Texas A&M University and was affiliated with the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center (HRRC). Behzadan investigates grand challenges at the intersection of the society and built/natural environments (including disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, jobsite safety, workplace health and ergonomics) through the design, validation, and dissemination of human-centered, responsible and affordable AI/ML solutions. He is the director of the Connected Informatics and Built Environment Research (CIBER) Lab, and serves on the editorial board of two academic journals: Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE), and Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (Emerald). In addition to disseminating his research findings in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals and conferences, he has given a TEDx Talk in 2022 on how AI can help communities better understand flood risk. Behzadan’s research and scholarly activities are supported by federal and state agencies as well as the private sector.