
IBS Associations

CU Population Center

Research Interests

Health and Social Policy; Poverty and Inequality; Gender and Family; Spatial Demography

Brief Biography

Emily Parker, Ph.D. joined the Bloustein School as an Assistant Professor in 2023. She was formerly a NIA Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan in the Population Studies Center and received her Ph.D. in Public Policy at Cornell University.

Dr. Parker’s primary research interests are in how public policy and community context matter to the longstanding link between health and poverty. The main areas of her scholarship examine the health care safety net—specifically the Community Health Center program and Medicaid—as well as federal place-based policies, which target areas of concentrated disadvantage. She also studies the demographic connections between family, gender, race/ethnicity, and public policy. Her research has been published in outlets such as Social Science & Medicine, Population Research and Policy Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Housing Policy Debate, and her work has been recognized with awards from the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management as well as the American Sociological Association.