

IBS Associations

Assistant Director, Natural Hazards Center

Environment and Society Program

Research Interests

Sociology of Disasters, Children and Youth, Schools and Disasters, Community Resilience, Convergence Research, Qualitative Research Methods, Social Stratification

Brief Biography

Jennifer Tobin is the assistant director of the Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder. She has been involved in a wide range of funded research projects focusing on topics such as children and schools, disaster risk reduction, and community resilience following disasters. Tobin leads the organization and planning of the annual Natural Hazards Workshop. She is a co-administrator of the Natural Hazards Center’s Federally-Funded Research Award Programs. Tobin is also actively engaged in the NSF-funded CONVERGE facility headquartered at the Natural Hazards Center.

Tobin received her PhD from the Department of Sociology at Colorado State University. Her dissertation research focused on educational continuity following the 2013 Colorado Front Range Floods. She earned her bachelor’s in sociology and women’s studies in 2005 and a master’s in sociology in 2008. Her master’s thesis research drew on qualitative interviews with local disaster recovery workers and single mothers who were displaced to Colorado after Hurricane Katrina. Tobin is the recipient of the 2014 Beth B. Hess Memorial Dissertation Scholarship.