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IBS Associations

Program on International Development

Research Interests

I’m interested in understanding when and how humanly-devised rules can govern political behavior. I teach and write in the areas of Comparative Politics and International Relations, with primary expertise in the politics and institutions of the European Union (EU). In brief, I engage the question of rule governance in the EU, across the world and internationally on a wide range of institutional and political economy topics.

Brief Biography

Joseph Jupille (Ph.D, University of Washington) is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, Faculty Associate at the Institute of Behavioral Science, and Director of the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence (CEUCE). He has written Procedural Politics: Issues, Influence and Institutional Choice in the European Union (Cambridge University Press, 2004) and, with Walter Mattli and Duncan Snidal, Institutional Choice and Global Commerce (Cambridge University Press, 2013). He is currently writing Theories of Institutions with James A. Caporaso. His articles have appeared in Annual Review of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, European Political Science Review, International Organization, and West European Politics.