Research at IBS
IBS researchers work extensively with external funders and community partners to advance knowledge about and pursue solutions to society’s most pressing challenges.
Current funders within the State of Colorado include local school districts and the Colorado Departments of Higher Education, Public Health and Environment, and Public Safety. At the national level, government funding sources include the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Chickasaw Nation Department of Family Services. Nongovernmental funders include the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation), and Save the Children.

Selected Grants in Force:
A Clearinghouse on Natural Hazards Applications
PI: Peek, Lori
National Science Foundation
Award: $3,427,504
A Roadmap to Evidence-Based School Safety: Safe Communities Safe Schools
PI: Kingston, Beverly
Department of Justice
Award: $6,230,136
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
PI: Buckley, Pamela; Co-PI: Hill, Karl
Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation)
Award: $1,649,850
Building a Trauma Center of Excellence for Children and Families in Colorado: A Community-Academic Partnership
PI: Fitzgerald, Monica
Mental Health Center of Boulder County
Award: $1,207,491
Center for Resilience and Well-being in Schools
PI: Fitzgerald, Monica
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Award: $2,399,983
Colorado 2019 STOP School Violence Technology and Threat Assessment Solutions for Safer Schools Project
PI: Arredondo-Mattson, Sabrina
Colorado Department of Public Safety/COLO
Award: $633,536
Co-Management of Fire Risk Transmission
PI: Brenkert-Smith, Hannah
Forest Service
Award: $548,672
CONVERGE: Coordinated Social Science, Engineering, and Interdisciplinary Extreme Events Reconnaissance Research
PI: Peek, Lori
National Science Foundation
Award: $3,419,940
Dissemination of Life Skills Training
PI: Lain, Marion
Altria Client Services, Inc.
Award: $9,882,278
Dissemination of LifeSkills Training
PI: Lain, Marion
Altria Client Services, Inc.
Award: $5,945,013
Dissemination of LifeSkills Training High School Program
PI: Lain, Marion
Altria Client Services, Inc.
Award: $2,800,000
DRMS: Inequalities, Institutions and Sustainability: An Experimental Study of Local Efforts to Govern the Commons
PI: Andersson, Krister
National Science Foundation
Award: $555,149
Evaluating Communities that Care in Colorado
PI: Kingston, Beverly
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment/COLO
Award: $4,388,526
For the Long-term Impact of Access to LARC Census Project
PI: Stevenson, Amanda
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Award: $705,000
Improving the livelihoods of vulnerable youth: A foundation for Functional Family Therapy-Gangs
PI: Pyrooz, David; Co-PI: Buckley, Pamela
Anonymous Donor
Award: $600,820
Increased Access to Highly Effective Contraception: An Opportunity Dividend?
PI: Stevenson, Amanda
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)/NIH/DHHS
Award: $532,861
Innovative Governance of Scarce Surface Water and Groundwater for Irrigation of Production Agriculture in Southwestern United States
PI: Andersson, Krister
National Institute of Food and Agriculture/USDA
Award: $500,000
Leaving Gangs and Desisting from Crime Using a Multidisciplinary Team Approach: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluation of the Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver
PI: Pyrooz, David
National Institute of Justice/DOJ
Award: $600,797
LifeSkills Training in Colorado. [was Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development]
PI: Ballard, Diane
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment/COLO
Award: $1,642,896
National Center of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention: The Denver Community-Level Collaborative
PI: Kingston, Beverly
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/DHHS
Award: $5,983,487
SBE-RCUK: The Geopolitical Orientations of People in Borderland States
PI: O’Loughlin, John
National Science Foundation
Award: $659,994
Testing the Efficacy of Botvin’s High School LifeSkills Training Program
PI: Hill, Karl
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Award: $1,680,914
University of Colorado Interdisciplinary Training in Demography and Genetics
PI: Boardman, Jason
National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS
Award: $680,971
University of Colorado Population Center
PI: Hunter, Lori
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)/NIH/DHHS
Award: $1,594,796