Direction 1: IBS and Research

Strategic Plan for the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)

Over the next five years, by supporting current and new activities, IBS will enhance its contributions to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, knowledge, policy, and practice.

Rationale: Those engaged in interdisciplinary research, particularly research addressing major social challenges, are finding that their opportunities are greater than ever, despite an increasingly competitive environment. IBS is well positioned to take advantage of this moment in history by further diversifying its research portfolio, and cultivating projects of different sizes and types. To accomplish this, IBS will continue to strengthen and support the ongoing investigator-initiated projects that are the mainstay of its activities, while working to create additional ambitious, problem-based research projects that will last for decades and that build on new collaborations at CU Boulder and beyond.


  1. In keeping with its original mission, IBS will consistently emphasize and invest in innovative and interdisciplinary research.
  2. IBS will continue to invest in its investigator-initiated research and other multi-faceted activities with the best possible infrastructure, incentives, and systems.
  3. IBS will generate ambitious new long-term activities and research agendas that draw upon the excellence of the Institute and the University.

Key Initiatives:

  1. Develop and implement programs for improving the capability of students, faculty, and staff to conduct interdisciplinary research
  2. Increase the capacity for research at IBS by growing the numbers of researchers in all categories
  3. Add new quantitative and qualitative primary data projects
  4. Develop new projects that emphasize data analytics, privacy, confidentiality, and security
  5. Increase implementation research: bringing evidence-based programs and practices into the field
  6. Expand evaluation research
  7. Build community-academic partnerships and research
  8. Develop long-term ambitious projects
  9. Create incentives for new internal and external collaborations, especially with CU Boulder colleagues