The Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS) is committed to advancing knowledge of society’s most pressing challenges, and to pursuing solutions to those challenges through innovative and interdisciplinary research, education, and engagement in the world.

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Graffiti image of two boys wearing caps adorns a brick wall. A target is pictured in the middle.

David Pyrooz clarifies gang violence and immigration debate in Colorado

Colorado’s gang activity is homegrown, not a result of Venezuelan immigration. That’s the verdict from Interim Director for the Prevention Science Program and Professor of Sociology at CU Boulder, David Pyrooz. Pyrooz studies gangs, gun violence and prison activity. He sat down with Denver7 News’ Angelika Albaladejo to shed light on Colorado’s gang violence, explaining

Lucas Gauthier at the top of a Colorado 14er. A view of the mountains are in the distance, the top is very rocky.

Lucas Gauthier to retire from IBS after three years of student assistance

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the retirement of our student assistant, Lucas Gauthier. Lucas has accepted an exciting new position next semester with Innosphere Ventures, a leading incubation program for high-impact science and tech companies. In his new role as a program analyst, Lucas will lead research for the Colorado-Wyoming Resiliency Engine. Lucas


IBS hosts a variety of events for the larger community to learn about new research in the behavioral and social sciences. We offer our biannual Jessor Lectures, our fall and spring semester weekly Speaker Series, as well as a variety of conferences and training sessions. Events are often held both online and in-person at the IBS Building.

IBS draws faculty from across the social and behavioral sciences in work that transcends disciplinary boundaries and illuminates the complexity of social behavior and social life.