Earthquakes and Hazards Response

Courtney Welton-Mitchell's research on earthquakes and hazards response are featured on an interview on KGNU Radio. Read more and listn here: Nepal earthquake interview 'CU researcher on earthquake in Nepal . Courtney also recently participated in the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute's Reconnaissance Mission to Nepal. An associated presentation (with audio) is available here: Social, psychological, and cultural factors influencing recovering and rebuilding in Nepal.

New Director for the Institute of Behavioral Science

On January 1, 2015, Myron Gutmann officially took the helm at the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS). Dr. Gutmann took leave from positions at NSF and the University of Michigan to become director of IBS and professor of history at the University of Colorado.  Dr. Gutmann is well recognized for his pioneering visions for the social sciences, which he has continued to advance as director of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and then as head of NSF's Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.

Nine Experts Craft Disaster Resilience Framework for Communities

Liesel Ritchie has been named a NIST Disaster Resilience Fellow. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has engaged nine experts in fields ranging from transportation and water infrastructure to societal dimensions of disasters to further its ongoing effort to draft a disaster resilience framework for U.S. communities. Recognized leaders in their fields, NIST's new "disaster resilience fellows" were chosen to complement the knowledge and skill sets of agency researchers developing the framework — a guidance document to help communities prepare for hazardous events and to restore vital functions quickly if disruptive incidents occur. The fellows also will assist NIST staff in establishing a Disaster Resistance Standards Panel. With initial funding from NIST, this independent body will be responsible for updating the framework and identifying new priorities for standards development and other actions that will help communities to better prevent natural and human-caused hazards from becoming disasters. For more information on the fellows and the NIST-led community disaster resilience effort go to: