Computing and Research Services

Do you want advice on how to design, collect, or analyze your data? Do you need help writing up your methods section? Our statistical consulting service can help!

To schedule a meeting, email us at

Please read our Statistical Consulting Guidelines before booking a meeting.

You can set up an appointment to meet remotely through Zoom. In-person consultations at the IBS building are available on request, depending on availability. Our consultants offer the following services:

  • Stata tutorials for users of other statistical software (SPSS, SAS, R)
  • Data management: accessing, appending, merging, data cleaning, variable management, coding, best practices for writing .do files, data storage, security, sharing/collaborating with other researchers at the institute
  • Access and tutorials to the Citrix suite of software
  • Model specification: OLS, binary response, multinomial, Poisson, negative binomial, multinomial, ordinal, count, latent variable, multilevel models with Stata
  • Descriptions, tests of significance, post-estimation, model fit, and visualizations
  • Results and interpretations
  • Conference preparation and presentations
  • Assistance and tutorials with LaTeX, Python Virtual Environments, Git, and Github