Statistical Consultants:

  • Our consultations are primarily aimed at providing skills-based training on statistical techniques and the use of statistical software. If you require additional assistance, such as statistical computations, or expertise in designing custom statistical models, we may refer you to other campus resources that can assist you.
  • We will notify all participants at least 24 hours in advance if we must cancel a meeting or if we need to reschedule.
  • We will advise participants on options for analysis for their data, which may include assistance or advice on data cleaning, data coding, and data manipulation, assistance with writing about methods, and GIS consulting services such as data sources, visualization (maps), or spatial analysis.
  • We will discuss with participants potential limitations and assumptions of their analysis.
  • We understand that more than one meeting may be required to work on the client’s project; our consultants do not perform work on behalf of a client that extends outside each individual 50-minute consultation.
  • We will discuss potential co-authorship opportunities before performing any analyses for the client.

Client Expectations:

  • I will provide adequate notice to all parties if I must cancel a meeting or arrive late (24-hours is preferred).
  • I will come to the first meeting with research goals or questions that may assist in solving my problem.
  • I will provide an approximate timeline for my project.
  • I understand that my project may be beyond the scope of CRS consulting services, and that I may be referred to other consulting services at University of Colorado Boulder.