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IBS Speaker Series: Data for disasters: designing user-centered and integrated earthquake information Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Sabine Loos, Mendenhall Fellow USGS and CU Boulder Natural Hazards Center Abstract: Many data sources that become available after a disaster—such as satellite imagery or reconnaissance surveys—have immense power to inform decisions that influence the trajectory of the affected country for years afterwards. However, often these ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Short-term Forecasting of COVID-19 using Spatiotemporal Machine Learning Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Morteza Karimzadeh Abstract: Short-term forecasts of COVID-19 spread have been used for planning intervention strategies and resource allocation. Observed patterns of cases, deaths, and hospitalizations, as well as measurements of human interaction through proxies such as social connectedness or population movement have proved useful for predictive ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM): Defining the morphology of medieval settlements with UAV-generated data Zoom link: – email for password. Speakers: Jennifer Immich and Vicky McAlister, Co-PI(s) of the Human-Environment Exchanges in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland  Abstract: The Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM) project focuses on the identification of Irish rural medieval settlements adjacent to castles. The HELM project origin lies in ... Read more