IBS includes a vibrant community of graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are learning how to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the social and behavioral sciences. Combining training in their home discipline with collaborative research in the Institute, students and postdocs train in one or more of our program areas: Population, Health and Society, Prevention Science, Environment and Society, and International Development.

Please contact Robert Wyrod, IBS Training Director, with questions about the training program or to be added to the IBS email list for graduate students and postdocs.

Interdisciplinary Training at IBS

Training Opportunities

Ongoing IBS training opportunities include student-driven topics from conference preparation, sharing/showcasing research, and preparing for the professional workplace. These opportunities range from bi-weekly meetups to annual events and seminars.

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Funding Opportunities

The Institute of Behavioral Science provides graduate students with various funding opportunities to further their own research and collaborate with IBS researchers on projects. This usually takes the form of small research grants awarded over the fall and spring semesters, and summer research assistantship grants.

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Population Certificate

Population dynamics underlie many of the challenges to social and environmental well-being globally. Seeking to better understand the causes and consequences of population processes, CU-Boulder offers an interdepartmental Graduate Certificate Program in Population Studies.

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IBS offers many services to its graduate and postdoctoral students, intended to help gain necessary skills, advance their research agendas, and pursue collaboration with other scholars in interdisciplinary areas of research.

Funding and Awards

IBS-affiliated students have been granted a wide variety of funding and awards for their research, teaching, and service. We also offer an internal scholarship award for graduate students!