Funding Opportunities for IBS Graduate Students

The Institute of Behavioral Science provides graduate students with various funding opportunities to not only further their own research but also collaborate with IBS researchers on projects. This usually takes the form of small research grants awarded over the fall and spring semesters, and summer research assistantship grants.

Ed and Martha Greenberg Graduate Student Excellence Award

The Institute of Behavioral Science is proud to announce our first annual scholarship, the Ed and Martha Greenberg Graduate Student Excellence Award! The award grants $2,000 to the best published article or conference paper produced by a graduate student associated with IBS. View more information and submission guidelines here.

Florence M. Morse Human Relations Action Award

The Institute of Behavioral Science is pleased to announce the Florence M. Morse Human Relations Action Award. The award provides up to $5,000 of support to prevention science “action” programs targeting issues around problem behavior and positive youth development. View more information and submission guidelines here.

Small Grants

IBS provides small research grants to graduate students and postdocs to help further their research. One $1500 grant is awarded in both the fall and spring. We accept applications twice during the academic year, typically around October (Fall Small Grants) and February (Spring Small Grants). All IBS-affiliated graduate students and postdocs are eligible. Read more about some of the past research we have funded.

Summer RA Support

IBS also provides graduate students with opportunities to apply for summer hourly research assistantship grants to work with IBS researchers on collaborative projects. IBS affiliation for the student is expected but can occur after the project is funded. The graduate student, the IBS researcher, or both equally may be the lead author of the project. The research is expected to result in a coauthored paper that can be submitted to a professional conference or journal or a proposal that can be submitted for external grant funding. Each award will provide up to $1000 of hourly RA support for the graduate student. For students who are eligible for federal work-study, this $1000 will cover the employer portion of your anticipated $3000 work-study budget. Students are equally eligible for the $1000 award whether or not they have been granted work-study funds. International students who receive the award will receive more than $1000 because they are ineligible for work-study.