New CONVERGE Training Module

Jocelyn West, Heather Champeau, Jessica Austin, Candace Evans, Rachel Adams, and Lori Peek of the Natural Hazards Center worked together to develop a new CONVERGE Training Module. This module was funded by the NSF and U.S. Geological Survey and is focused on Reciprocity in Hazards and Disaster Research. You can register and access the free module here:

We also hope you will join us for a live webinar on Thursday, February 10, 2022, from 1:00-1:30 p.m. MT where Jocelyn, Heather, and Jessica – who were the lead developers – will present and provide a demonstration of the new module. It is a great resource for all researchers who care about reciprocity, even if you don’t study hazards or disasters! To register for the upcoming webinar, please visit: