The Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology (CCSA) awarded a $20,000 grant

The Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology (CCSA) in IBS is happy to announce that the Wenner-Gren Foundation has awarded CCSA $20,000 to pay for travel expenses for 6 African scholars and 5 international consultants to a workshop in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The project is being jointly organized with the Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS), the partner organization to CCSA. A key objective of this workshop is for applied social science practitioners to identify how their biases affect their reports and recommendations, and further to determine if there are common patterns in how government authorities, lenders, and development organizations interpret these recommendations. The workshop will occur sometime between January 2022 and December 2023.  The outcomes of the conference are anticipated to have broad implications on the ethnographic method as it is employed in development projects and programs in East Africa and beyond. CCSA also looks forward to scholarly publications resulting from the workshop.