Why Social Science: Because It Helps Build Resilience in the Face of Disasters

Nnenia Campbell (Ph.D., Research Associate with the Natural Hazards Center) and Brandi Gilbert (Ph.D., Research Associate with the Urban Institute) wrote a post on the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) blog Why Social Science about what social science research related to children and older adults has taught us about building community resilience and enhancing recovery after disasters. Please read the full article here, but enjoy several highlights below.  

We are dedicated to using social science to improve disaster recovery for those on the margins of society—in particular on the unique needs of children and older adults in times of crisis. Our past work has shed light on how age influences issues of both vulnerability and agency. Uplifting lessons learned is especially important as we continue to face more extreme weather events and a changing climate. 

By highlighting realities that run contrary to commonly held assumptions, the systematic study of disaster outcomes at both ends of the age spectrum points to the value of social science research for evidence-based decision-making. The insights that scientists provide are only as good as the questions that they ask.