IBS Speaker Series: The changing populations and economic fortunes of small places in the United States

Recording of talk on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9dBqAhfg1-0 Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Dylan Connor Abstract: Despite the portrayal of rural people and places as being among the major victims of recent economic change in the United States, rural communities have been left out of most research on the topic. This urban-centric research focus has ... Read more

Equity in Research Workshop Series : Training 3 – Data Analysis

IBS is excited to host a series of four workshops aimed at examining and promoting equity across the different stages of the research process. The workshops will be led by Dr. Kristine Andrews, a renowned expert on this topic. Training 3 will focus on the data analysis phase of a research study: including quantitative and ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: What Urban Science can tell you about the cities of the present, past and future

View the recording of this talk here: https://youtu.be/59Dozfw3dDk Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Luis Bettencourt Abstract: The confluence of worldwide urbanization and of bigger data of many kinds and from many places is enabling a new, more systematic, and more scientific understanding of human societies and of cities in particular. In this talk, ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series – Special Presentation! Why the social sciences and genetics need each other.

Zoom Link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97433416901 Speaker: Melinda Mills, Keynote Speaker for the Integrating Genetics and the Social Science (IGSS) Annual Conference. Abstract: This talk first reflects on what genetics can offer the social sciences and vice versa, but also the advantages of working together. It delves into examples that have produced novel measures and better prediction of ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: “Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences: Credos and Controversies”

A recording of the talk can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ODbgUxDBy8 Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Derek Briggs Abstract: “Whatever exists at all exists in some amount. To know it thoroughly involves knowing its quantity as well as its quality.”  This was the credo articulated by Edward Thorndike in 1918 to make the case ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: “The Knowledge Polity: Teaching and Research in the Social Sciences”

https://youtu.be/AvxMBgAqI-0 Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Anand Sokhey Abstract: Anand will be presenting his forthcoming book (The Knowledge Polity: Teaching and Research in the Social Sciences, Oxford UP). In The Knowledge Polity, Paul A. Djupe, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand Edward Sokhey envision academics as members of a polity where the primary output is ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Making Air Quality Count: Low-cost sensors, Public Health and Urban Planning

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI7czIuj_tY Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Priyanka de Souza (CU Denver) Abstract: In the year 2016 alone, air pollution was responsible for ~ 7 million premature deaths. 90% of these deaths occurred in the Global South. How can countries in the Global South improve air quality? This talk takes a multipronged approach to ... Read more

Equity in Research Workshop Series : Training 4 – Dissemination/Reporting

IBS is excited to host a series of four workshops aimed at examining and promoting equity across the different stages of the research process. The workshops will be led by Dr. Kristine Andrews, a renowned expert on this topic. Training 4 will focus on equitable communication tips. It will also explain how equity can be ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Measuring fertility in a changing United States: status, challenges and opportunities

https://youtu.be/F_1qRPxFKSo Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/95260579117 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Leslie Root Abstract: How do we measure fertility in the US, and why does it matter? This talk will present an overview of what we know and don’t know about fertility, and discuss exciting efforts in the CUPC to use large administrative data sources to ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Data for disasters: designing user-centered and integrated earthquake information

https://youtu.be/rC5Q-ToNFTM Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97771223323 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Sabine Loos, Mendenhall Fellow USGS and CU Boulder Natural Hazards Center Abstract: Many data sources that become available after a disaster—such as satellite imagery or reconnaissance surveys—have immense power to inform decisions that influence the trajectory of the affected country for years afterwards. However, often these ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Short-term Forecasting of COVID-19 using Spatiotemporal Machine Learning

https://youtu.be/f-pdkwi0SH0 Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97771223323 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speaker: Morteza Karimzadeh Abstract: Short-term forecasts of COVID-19 spread have been used for planning intervention strategies and resource allocation. Observed patterns of cases, deaths, and hospitalizations, as well as measurements of human interaction through proxies such as social connectedness or population movement have proved useful for predictive ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM): Defining the morphology of medieval settlements with UAV-generated data

https://youtu.be/3hsIuYm4XZE Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97771223323 – email ibs-contact@colorado.edu for password. Speakers: Jennifer Immich and Vicky McAlister, Co-PI(s) of the Human-Environment Exchanges in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland  Abstract: The Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM) project focuses on the identification of Irish rural medieval settlements adjacent to castles. The HELM project origin lies in ... Read more