Reserve an IBS Meeting Room

For Help and Support:
Building Contact:, 303-735-5427
Tech Help:, 303-492-8148

Standard Room Set-Ups

IBS-150: Room Set Up

IBS-155A: Room Set Up

IBS-155B (Internal IBS use only): Room Set Up

Room Usage Expectations

Use of the IBS meeting spaces is a privilege; abuse of this privilege may result in the usage being revoked. Your group is responsible for complying with these room usage expectations and may be charged a fee if IBS staff needs to perform clean up or repair.


Please inform IBS as early as possible if you need to cancel your reservation. This is especially true of recurring meetings or meetings scheduled far in advance. If groups frequently reserve space but end up not using it, after several warnings IBS may not allow the group to use the space in the future.


Recurring meetings can only be reserved for one year from the initial meeting date. This is to prevent rooms from being scheduled so far in advance that people forget they have the room reserved, which would mean others couldn’t use it.


If there is an accidental double booking or last-minute need arising at IBS, IBS faculty and staff will have priority for the space.


Rooms must be returned to their standard set-up, as shown in the room set-up documents linked above. This set-up is also posted near the door in each meeting room. The tables have wheels on one end. Do not remove furniture or chairs from the rooms. For larger events, you may want to reserve extra time to set the room up and return it to the standard.


*Important tip* The tables in 155A and B have wheels on one end. Lift from the end without the wheels to roll the tables where needed. This avoids damaging the tables (separating the legs from the base) and makes it easier to move in general.


Rooms must be left clean: no discarded paper, food, etc. left behind. Trash and recycling should be placed in the proper containers. Tables should be wiped down as needed. White boards should be erased.


If your group fills the recycling bins, please empty them in the cans outside the back of the building next to the dumpster. Recycling is only picked up once a week, so full bins are a nuisance for the next group.


Compost service is not available for the meeting rooms except by special arrangement for large events. Please be extremely careful to ensure only compostable items are put into the compost bins.


Conference Rooms 155A and 155B: Do not operate the wall separating the space. If you have reserved both rooms but find the wall is closed, email or call the Building Contact as noted above, or seek out another IBS staff or student assistant.


Please do not adjust the blinds: ask for assistance if needed. Projectors/equipment should be shut off or put in sleep mode. Equipment should be put away. If anything is not functioning properly, please let IBS know.


External building doors to IBS should not be propped open. Doors to IBS are scheduled to lock automatically at 5:00pm, although IBS staff will set the doors to remain unlocked for meetings scheduled in advance. However, if your meeting is scheduled less than 48 hours in advance, please verify with the Building Contact listed above to ensure that the doors have been set up. Patio doors are only unlocked with special permission.


Patio doors are warping and truly need an extra tug to ensure they are latched if they are opened at all (including doors not used).


After 5:00 pm, do not open external doors for people you do not recognize. This is a safety issue for people in the building as well as to prevent any loss of property.

Additional Charges

After hours or on weekends: additional $10
Returning room to standard set-up: $50/hour
Cleaning room: $50/hour
After hours tech support: $50/hour
Damage to property/equipment: at cost