Social Justice Speaker Series Discusses Gun Violence and Social Action

The Social Justice Speaker Series hosted by the Prevention Science Program recently discussed the mass shooting at King Soopers and the pressing issues of gun violence and social justice. This consisted of a panel discussion and panelists included Sabrina Arrendondo Mattson, Sarah Goodrum, and Bill Woodward, from the Prevention Science program and the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. It also included Monica Fitzgerald from the Prevention Science, the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence and the Center for Well-Being in Schools, Jessica Gorrono from Prevention Science Program and the Center for Well-Being in Schools, and Beverly Kingston the Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. The panel also addressed the history of gun violence in the U.S., how we can support those affected by gun violence, and what can be done now to prevent it. 

To learn more about gun violence watch the panel discussion recording

Also below is a list of resources in regards to how we can support and respond to this pressing issue. 


Supporting & Responding