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IBS Speaker Series: The Economic Geography of Environmental Regulation

Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Taylor Jaworski Abstract: Substantial improvements in air quality over the last 50 years have also been accompanied by costs of economic adjustment for sectors targeted by environmental regulation. This paper develops a spatial general equilibrium model to quantify the benefits, costs, and welfare implications of environmental regulation due ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: A conversation on foreign policy at the time of Covid and after the withdrawal from Afghanistan

YouTube Link: A recording of the talk given by Professor Federiga Bindi on September 27th. Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Federiga Bindi Abstract: While there was no alternative to the withdrawal from Afghanistan, its modalities and the lack of results obtained in 20 useless years of war severely brings into question ... Read more

Equity in Research Workshop Series : Training 2 – Data Collection

IBS is excited to host a series of four workshops aimed at examining and promoting equity across the different stages of the research process. The workshops will be led by Dr. Kristine Andrews, a renowned expert on this topic. Training 2 will focus on the data collection phase of a research study: including equity concerns ... Read more

What Can High Resolution Data Tell Us About Urban-Rural Mortality Disparities Among Coloradans?

YouTube Link: A recording of the talk given by Cyrus Hester on October 4th. Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Cyrus Hester Abstract: For much of the Twentieth Century, generations of Americans enjoyed longer and healthier lifespans than their predecessors. Tragically, this no longer appears to be the case for many rural Americans. ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: The changing populations and economic fortunes of small places in the United States

Recording of talk on YouTube: Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Dylan Connor Abstract: Despite the portrayal of rural people and places as being among the major victims of recent economic change in the United States, rural communities have been left out of most research on the topic. This urban-centric research focus has ... Read more

Equity in Research Workshop Series : Training 3 – Data Analysis

IBS is excited to host a series of four workshops aimed at examining and promoting equity across the different stages of the research process. The workshops will be led by Dr. Kristine Andrews, a renowned expert on this topic. Training 3 will focus on the data analysis phase of a research study: including quantitative and ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: What Urban Science can tell you about the cities of the present, past and future

View the recording of this talk here: Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Luis Bettencourt Abstract: The confluence of worldwide urbanization and of bigger data of many kinds and from many places is enabling a new, more systematic, and more scientific understanding of human societies and of cities in particular. In this talk, ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series – Special Presentation! Why the social sciences and genetics need each other.

Zoom Link: Speaker: Melinda Mills, Keynote Speaker for the Integrating Genetics and the Social Science (IGSS) Annual Conference. Abstract: This talk first reflects on what genetics can offer the social sciences and vice versa, but also the advantages of working together. It delves into examples that have produced novel measures and better prediction of ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: “Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences: Credos and Controversies”

A recording of the talk can be found here: Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Derek Briggs Abstract: “Whatever exists at all exists in some amount. To know it thoroughly involves knowing its quantity as well as its quality.”  This was the credo articulated by Edward Thorndike in 1918 to make the case ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: “The Knowledge Polity: Teaching and Research in the Social Sciences” Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Anand Sokhey Abstract: Anand will be presenting his forthcoming book (The Knowledge Polity: Teaching and Research in the Social Sciences, Oxford UP). In The Knowledge Polity, Paul A. Djupe, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand Edward Sokhey envision academics as members of a polity where the primary output is ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Making Air Quality Count: Low-cost sensors, Public Health and Urban Planning Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Priyanka de Souza (CU Denver) Abstract: In the year 2016 alone, air pollution was responsible for ~ 7 million premature deaths. 90% of these deaths occurred in the Global South. How can countries in the Global South improve air quality? This talk takes a multipronged approach to ... Read more

Equity in Research Workshop Series : Training 4 – Dissemination/Reporting

IBS is excited to host a series of four workshops aimed at examining and promoting equity across the different stages of the research process. The workshops will be led by Dr. Kristine Andrews, a renowned expert on this topic. Training 4 will focus on equitable communication tips. It will also explain how equity can be ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Measuring fertility in a changing United States: status, challenges and opportunities Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Leslie Root Abstract: How do we measure fertility in the US, and why does it matter? This talk will present an overview of what we know and don’t know about fertility, and discuss exciting efforts in the CUPC to use large administrative data sources to ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Data for disasters: designing user-centered and integrated earthquake information Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Sabine Loos, Mendenhall Fellow USGS and CU Boulder Natural Hazards Center Abstract: Many data sources that become available after a disaster—such as satellite imagery or reconnaissance surveys—have immense power to inform decisions that influence the trajectory of the affected country for years afterwards. However, often these ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Short-term Forecasting of COVID-19 using Spatiotemporal Machine Learning Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Morteza Karimzadeh Abstract: Short-term forecasts of COVID-19 spread have been used for planning intervention strategies and resource allocation. Observed patterns of cases, deaths, and hospitalizations, as well as measurements of human interaction through proxies such as social connectedness or population movement have proved useful for predictive ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM): Defining the morphology of medieval settlements with UAV-generated data Zoom link: – email for password. Speakers: Jennifer Immich and Vicky McAlister, Co-PI(s) of the Human-Environment Exchanges in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland  Abstract: The Human-Environmental Exchange in the Landscapes of Medieval Ireland (HELM) project focuses on the identification of Irish rural medieval settlements adjacent to castles. The HELM project origin lies in ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Bound by Time: A Critical Appraisal of Temporary Migrant Labor Schemes in Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: David Cook-Martín Abstract: Migration scholarship has a bias toward permanence and integration. Its working and implicit assumption is that migration statuses are or should be permanent, a step on the way to residence and naturalization. Yet temporariness has been a longstanding if invisible strategy to govern ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Statewide Dissemination of Evidence-Based Treatments: Lessons Learned Over 15 Years in Connecticut Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Jason Lang, Abstract: Dissemination of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) is increasingly being touted as an important strategy for improving children’s behavioral health services. However, the promise of increasing access to EBTs has been tempered by the realities of community-based mental health practice and reimbursement. This presentation will ... Read more

Living on the Edge: An American Generation’s Journey through the Twentieth Century

Zoom Link: – email for password. Speakers: Glen Elder and Richard Settersten Think about a generation that has experienced: economic prosperity, but also economic disruption and collapse rapid social changes and uncertainty the threat of an emerging world war a reorganization of marriage & of family roles riots in the streets a global pandemic a ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Translating Risk Information Into Protective Action: Examining Household Response to Information About Earthquake Hazards and Risk Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Carson MacPherson-Krutsky Abstract: Natural hazards have been a part of the landscape since its existence, but they are becoming more devastating as they intersect with growing populations and as climate change increases their frequency and intensity. As these changes occur, the need to understand how to reduce disaster impacts becomes paramount. ... Read more

IBS PSP Special Presentation – Parenting Interventions Globally: Are There Differential Effects Across Countries, Cultures and Social Groups?

IBS 155B Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO Hybrid Event: Join in person at IBS Room 155B or via Zoom link: – email for password. Speaker: Frances Gardner Abstract: Frances will talk about her work analyzing intervention moderator effects using both individual participant data (IPD) and aggregate level meta-analysis, including some large systematic reviews she is conducting for the World Health ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Examining Contraceptive Access and Use among Youth with Child Welfare Involvement

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO In-person or via Zoom link: - email for password. *Light lunch served at 1145, please RSVP. Speaker:  Katie Massey Combs Abstract:  Roughly half of females with child welfare involvement (i.e., child protective services) report a pregnancy by age 19, which is twice the rate of a national sample of youth of ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: What is your role in warning systems to cope with disasters and climate change?

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO In-person or via Zoom link: – email for password. *Light lunch served at 1145, please RSVP. Speaker: Victor Marchezini Abstract: Social and climate crises call for the development of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary methods that can subsidy disaster risk management and climate change adaptation policies. In the international context, the International Science ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Who are the climate migrants? Investigating the moderating role of social networks and livelihoods on climate-induced mobility in Bangladesh.

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO In-person or via Zoom link: - email for password. *Light lunch served at 1145, please RSVP. Speaker:  Amanda Carrico Abstract: Migration has long been used as a strategy for households to access economic opportunity and manage environmental risk. As climate change intensifies in the 21st Century, environmental stress is expected to play ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Jeronimo Carballo (joint work with James Flynn, Anja Gruber, and Richard Mansfield)

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Understanding the Great Resignation - Worker Reallocation following the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract: In the last two years, the U.S. labor market has experienced a tumultuous and incomplete recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: employment converged very slowly ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Colleen Scanlan Lyons

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: From the Atlantic Forest to the Amazon: Exploring Alternative Approaches for Framing, Writing, and Engaging with Tropical Forest Conservation Abstract: What drives social-environmental activism in tropical forest regions around the world? How do key actors ... Read more

Women in sports: the long road to equity

IBS 150 Computing Lab Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Kindly register here (Eventbright) for in-person or online information and to receive the updated program. Title: Women in sports: the long road to equity Abstract: Since the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900, where 22 women out of 997 athletes participated in 5 sports, the involvement of women in sports has gradually increased. At the ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Mimi Engel

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Exploring Bias in Denver Public Schools’ Multi-Measure Teacher Evaluation System Abstract:  Multi-measure teacher evaluation systems are the norm in school districts across the nation. Stemming, in part, from the Race to the Top federal funding competition ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Jaroslav Tir

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Explaining Negative Views of Ethnic Others  Abstract: What causes members of one ethnic group to hold negative views about members of another group? We theorize that exposure to information about the group being threatening triggers such ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Jennifer Lawrence

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Governing Disaster, Sustaining Accumulation: Extraction as Environmentality Abstract: Alongside hastening climate emergency and global crises of governance, it is essential to develop a dynamic political ecology of disaster so that we might better understand the roots ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Amanda Stevenson

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The past, present, and future of abortion and contraception in the US: Insights from and challenges for demography Abstract: In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court ended 50 years of legal protections for right to ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Mara Goldman

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title:  Covid-19 and Conservation/Tourism: Lessons learned from dryland communities in East and Southern Africa. With: Joana Roque de Pinho, University Institute of Lisbon; Angela Kronenburg García, University of Padua; Eduard Gargallo, University Institute of Lisbon; Jona Heita, ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Karen Bailey

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Investigating the role of equity and sense of place in climate adaptation Abstract:  As climate change worsens and exposes vulnerable populations to natural hazards, there is a growing call to understand the nuances and complexities of ... Read more

CANCELLED – IBS Speaker Series – Menken Lecturer: Deborah Balk

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

This event has been cancelled due to snow. Tomorrow's event has NOT been cancelled. Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. Title: Growing Populations-at-Risk: New Blended (Spatial Demographic) Approaches for Understanding Our Urban Future Abstract: Ten percent of the world’s population, and about 13% of the urban population, live in the ... Read more

Menken Distinguished Lecture in Population Studies with Deborah Balk

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO The lecture will be immediately followed by a reception at the Koenig Alumni Center. Please RSVP here. Or, attend via Zoom. Please email for the password. Title: Confronting the Rising Tide: Population Exposure, Change and Prospects in Low-lying Coastal Areas Abstract: Globally, one in ten persons live in low-lying areas proximate to the ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Clint Carroll

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Indigenous Access, Conservation, and Land-Based Education in Oklahoma Abstract: Indigenous Nations face significant challenges when it comes to the interrelated processes of cultural knowledge revitalization and environmental adaptation. These challenges range from compromised local ecological health brought ... Read more

IBS Internal Event: DEI Informational and Listening Session

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: DEI Informational and Listening Session  Please join us for an informational and listening session on DEI efforts at IBS.  We want to know what kinds of things you think should be priorities! We'll discuss past efforts, ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Jill Harrison

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: From the Inside Out: The Fight for Environmental Justice within Government Agencies Abstract: In this presentation, Harrison will present key findings from her book, From the Inside Out: The Fight for Environmental Justice within Government Agencies, ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Jill Harrison

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: TBD Abstract: TBD Bio:  TBD

IBS Research Talk: Kimberly Updegraff

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. A graduate student lunch will follow the talk in 155B from 12:30pm 1:30 pm, please RSVP. Title: Family and Culture: Sources of Strength in Mexican-Origin Youth Abstract:  Guided by culturally and ecologically informed models of development, Dr. Updegraff will draw on two decades of ... Read more

IBS Research Talk: Jillian J. Turanovic

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. A graduate student lunch will follow the talk in 155B from 1:00 pm 2:00 pm, please RSVP. Title: Victimization, Violence, and Wellbeing: A Prevention Science Approach Abstract:  Experiences with violence and victimization shape human development. In this talk, I will provide an overview of ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Marisa Westbrook

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Rising Pressure: The Embodiment of Housing Insecurity among Low-Income Hispanic/Latinx Families in Changing Neighborhoods Abstract:  Exclusionary displacement occurs when individuals leave housing in neighborhoods but are unable to move into other housing options in similar neighborhoods ... Read more

IBS Research Talk: Catherine DeCarlo Santiago

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. A graduate student lunch will follow the talk in 155B from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, please RSVP. Title: Translating Youth and Family Assets to Community Intervention Abstract:  This talk will describe a program of research that includes (1) examination of youth and family assets to ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: James Crooks

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Uncovering new links between climate change, air quality, natural disasters, and American society Abstract: The U.S. remains a large contributor to climate change while also being adversely affected by it through, among other pathways, air pollution ... Read more

IBS Research Talk: Ráchael Powers

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. A graduate student lunch will follow the talk in 155B from 1:00 pm 2:00 pm, please RSVP. Title: Violence and trauma prevention: Centering victim agency and leveraging third parties Abstract:  In efforts to prevent gender-based violence (intimate partner and sexual violence), we often focus ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Kenneth Blake Vernon

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: The Ecology of Agglomeration and the Rise of Chaco Great Houses Abstract:  Decisions individuals make about where to live have profound consequences for everything from climate and conflict to migration, inequality, the origins of agriculture, and ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Katrina M. Walsemann

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: How educational inequities in the U.S. South pre and post Brown shape the cognitive status of Black and White adults Abstract: Although education is a key determinant of cognitive function, its role in determining Black-White disparities ... Read more

IBS Speaker Series: Aubrey Limburg

IBS 155A Institute of Behavioral Science 1440 15th Street, Boulder, CO

Join in person or via Zoom, email for the password. *Light lunch served at 11:45, please RSVP. Title: Enhancing the study of racial/ethnic disparities in health: A project linking Medicaid and Census Bureau data Abstract: Medicaid data are used frequently to investigate racial and ethnic disparities in health. However, there is considerable variation in ... Read more